Some time ago I start to play with ASP.NET MVC. It is very well pattern and Microsoft made nice choose that implemented it for ASP.NET in my opinion.
I started a project that uses ASP.NET MVC. This project requests multilingual support. I use resources for this. It works well when I use resource's properties in the View's layer but when I call resource's properties from code behind. It's something likes to next:
public ActionResult Index()
ViewData["Message"] = CommonResource.WELCOME;
return View();
It works but I pay attention that this code breaks my Unit Tests. My Unit Tests looks like:
public void Index_Test()
//// Arrange
var controller = new HomeController();
// Act
var result = controller.Index();
// Assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
It happens because I run my code in other project and my ResourceManager is not filled (it equals to null). How can I fix it? A first idea that came to mind is "extract interface".. but it is very annoying because resource's class is auto-generate and I should update this code after each updating of resources.. I made some research and found additional way for extracting resources - HttpContext contains GetGlobalResourceObject method! It is well way because I can set mock for HttpContext and for any its methods or properties.
Note: GetGlobalResourceObject returns object but I use only strings for localization. So I create linq method for HttpContext that returns string if it presents:
public static string GetGlobalResource(Pay attention, MissingManifestResourceException is possible in this code if you pass incorrect key/keys!
this HttpContextBase httpContext
, string classKey, string resourceKey)
var result = httpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject
(classKey, resourceKey);
return null != result
? result.ToString() : string.Empty;
So I change pieces of code in Controller's classes in the next manner:
public ActionResult Index()After it I should change my Unit Test's methods in next manner:
ViewData[CommonStrings.MESSAGE] = HttpContext
return View();
public void Index_Test()
//// Arrange
var httpContextMock = MockRepository
(x => x.GetGlobalResource(
CommonStrings.COMMON_RESOURCE, CommonStrings.WELCOME))
var controller = new HomeController();
var context = new ControllerContext
(httpContextMock, new RouteData(), controller);
controller.ControllerContext = context;
// Act
var result = controller.Index();
// Assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(ViewResult));
ViewDataDictionary viewData = ((ViewResult)result).ViewData;
, viewData[CommonStrings.MESSAGE]);
Moreover, you can see that I added additional checking related to localization.